Disability Employment Services
CCS DES team will make sure you receive the best possible help, advice and support to achieve a long-term position with a reliable employer.
Who do we support?
If you are aged 18 years or older, have disability and would like to find a job in the open market through the support of our employment consultants, our experienced staff can guide you.
We believe every person has special talents.
We will listen to you, help you determine your work goal and develop a structured path to success.
CCS has been providing a wide range of services to people with disability since 1951.
The CCS DES division is part of a government initiative that offers free recruitment services to jobseekers and employers. We assist jobseekers to secure sustainable employment.
CCS DES consultants will make sure you receive the best possible help, advice and support to achieve a long-term position with an understanding employer. Afford is certified in accordance with the National Standards for Disability Services.
Assistance You Can Expect:
- Interview and work clothing
- Transport to job interviews
- Support at the interview
- Support you with on-the-job training and ongoing support while you are working
- Travel training and initial costs
- Workplace modifications

CCS DES focuses on employability. Our jobseekers retain jobs through performance, motivation and on-the-job support.
You will be respected, consulted and included in all decisions about yourself. Our trained consultants will help to identify your job goals and support to create an effective resume and cover letter. In addition, DES will prepare you for job interviews to assist you in securing a job that interests you.
We have a database of jobseekers who have skills and personal attributes to meet your employment needs and will make a positive contribution to your business.
CCS DES consultants will support you and your employee to ensure sustainability and positive outcomes for both of you.
Join the many hundreds of companies – large and small – currently working with CCS DES and discover why it makes sense for your business to employ people with disability.
Government incentives may be available depending on the employee eligibility.
CCS DES offers peace of mind to employers by providing:
A highly motivated employee who is ready, willing and able to work
Financial incentives
Apprenticeship and traineeship incentive information
Initial on-the-job support by our staff at NO CHARGE
Ongoing workplace support
Complimentary new skills training, if required

Afford DES offers a free service to both jobseekers and employers. We work closely with jobseekers to match them to their dream job.
We focus on employability. Our jobseekers retain jobs through performance, motivation and on-the-job support. DES Consultants take directions from employers to match applicants according to the company’s essential needs.
CCS DES can provide access to:
Work clothing and PPE for your new employee
Workplace modifications required to enable a person with disability to perform their job
Apprenticeship or traineeship incentives
Travel training and initial travel costs for your new employee
Wage subsidy to offset training and staffing costs
Support to an existing employee whose job is in jeopardy due to their illness, injury or disability